The execution of Stanley Tookie Williams
This isn't the way a civilized society should behave. But civilized or not, it doesn't make any sense. I don't have to recount the arguments. The death penalty just doesn't do what it's supposed to do.
Worse yet, from the little bit I know about the Stanley Williams case, including hearing the Amy Goodman interview, I think he's probably innocent. And on top of that, he's completely turned his life around (how many of us could do that starting from where he started? and on death row?) and was doing something good for society. What kind of a people are we? I mourn for us.
Worse yet, from the little bit I know about the Stanley Williams case, including hearing the Amy Goodman interview, I think he's probably innocent. And on top of that, he's completely turned his life around (how many of us could do that starting from where he started? and on death row?) and was doing something good for society. What kind of a people are we? I mourn for us.