Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Final Political Blog in the Series

In this short final blog in the series of political blogs before the election of November 7, 2006, I'll just identify a number of issues the Democrats should be trying to address. And I have comments on a couple of them.

Electronic voting. This is emerging as an issue of critical importance. Tampering with voting machines can destroy our democracy all by itself. In the elections of 2000 and 2004, there is evidence of tampering to the extent that the outcome on the presidential level was changed. And now there are reports of plans to do more tampering in the elections next week.

The Middle East. I'll simply add to the blogs I've written earlier on this question. I've now come up with a recommendation: go back to square one, that is, to 1948 when Israel became a state. Israeli borders should be restored to where they were at that time, and Palestine should agree to accept the existence of Israel as a state. Palestine could become a state if it so desired.
And both Israel and Palestine would have to pledge not to attack each other.

Other issues for Democrats, both before and after the election, that is, if any Democrats are elected: global warming and environmental protection, increase in the minimum wage to the level of the so-called living wage, preservation of Social Security as presently constituted, stopping Congressional corruption, an energy policy, universal health insurance for Americans, including prescription drug coverage, tuition help for students in higher education, better pay for teachers, full employment, ending poverty, legalizing marijuana, civil rights for same-sex couples, legalization of helping patients to die according to their wishes, regulation of airlines to the extent necessary to assist in the avoidance of bankruptcy, strengthening fire and police departments, better inspection of cargo coming into this country, stopping construction of that fence on the Mexican border and working on the immigration issue if we can ever think of any way to make it better rather than worse, easing the trade deficit, making taxes more progressive, reform of the electoral college, setting up a department of peace in the president's cabinet, restoring civil liberties including the right of habeas corpus, mass transit and more funding for Amtrak, public financing of elections, ratification of the Kyoto Prootocol, equal rights for women, including equal pay for equal work, day care, elder care, and parental leave for families, and making computers available to everyone, along with guaranteeing Net Neutrality. I'm sure there are lots more, but these should keep us out of mischief for awhile.


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