Tuesday, April 04, 2006

The Iraq War

It's not my strong suit: the military. But I feel it's important for ordinary citizens to speak out on the war in Iraq.
My feeling is that we should withdraw now. Rep. John Murtha said it for me; I agree with his statement. My reasoning is that our military presence there is doing more harm than good. The insurgency there is stronger because of our presence. And surely Iraq is more of a breeding ground for terrorists as long as we're there; actually, not just Iraq but everywhere. I don't know what will happen if we leave now, but I feel it likely there will be less warfare than if we stay. Also, our leaving will give the Iraqis more incentive to start governing themselves. And I certainly want to end the killing of both Americans and Iraqis.
What does departing "now" mean? To me it means informing the world that we are getting out and then doing it in an orderly fashion, starting immediately. I don't know how long that should take. I remember that when the Japanese surrendered in August of 1945, ending WW II, I was discharged from the WAVES in almost 4 months. Two differencces: (1) I was stationed in the States; (2) there were millions to discharge then. All in all, then, I think it should take only a few months.
The main thing in withdrawing, however, to my mind, is that we should declare that we will rebuild the infrastructure, at least in Baghdad, as much as seems reasonably possible. Also, we should keep some contingent force over there somewhere, say in Kuwait.


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